After that we started walking. Maria, mom and I all went with Milo and Dorian. Milo slept for a little while in his sling while Dorian talked and talked and talked. I thought he would talk himself right to sleep, but it never happened. He stayed awake for the whole walk, just looking at things. He did get a bit grumpy at the end, but we made it okay. Grandma was playing peekaboo with him while we were walking and he thought that was the funniest thing and just laughed and laughed.

Milo is very different! You have to work at it a bit more to get him to smile, but when he does, his whole little face lights up. So cute. He has a little lopsided smile too, he'll smirk at you with one side of his mouth. After that, we got in the car and Dorian slept all the way home....all worn out from walking so far.

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