However, when we dropped daddy off at work again and went home, he fell asleep for an hour and a half. Mom got bored waiting for him to wake up, so when he stirred even just a little, he got covered in kisses and hugs to wake up. That's a good way to wake up right? He liked it and kissed right back!
On Monday March 3rd at 8:30 pm Dorian figured out how to clap and give high fives. It's awesome! We were all laying in bed waiting for him to nod off and I help up my hand and said clap clap! And he did! Then Karl did it too with him. It was so cute. And he's done it since then. He used to always keep his hands curled and not really know what the heck to do when you held up your hand. He learned to keep them flat about a week ago for proper "patty cake" singing, but now he can clap. So cool to see him develop! Sorry, no picture of that one, we'll work on it.

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