Today was a day for hats! We decided to go on a walk because the weather was soooo beautiful today. He got this cool hat from GrandNan! It's still a little bit big, but it was so sunny out that the big brim is a great thing for him! He pulled it off a couple times, but I kept putting it on and eventually I think he gave up with a bit of a sigh at mom.
We walked over to Dad's work to go see him and say hello to everyone in the office. Dorian likes to flirt with all the front desk girls. While we were waiting for Karl to finish, we went and fixed some tables. Dorian really likes the Drop tables because he can jiggle the moving parts around and make a lot of noise. Very fun.

We then decided to go driving for a bit, baby fell asleep, and we ended up driving a bit longer to keep him that way! :) Once he woke up we walked around at CostPlus a bit and found some fun head gear. Dorian was very nice and let us try everything on him. He doesn't look exactly enthusiastic, but he didn't try pulling it off either. Now we are home again.

I don't have a picture for this, but I have to tell the story anyway... As we were going to bed tonight Dorian was doing his usual tossing and turning routine. He rolls from side to side, sits up and keels over again, lays on his stomach with his butt in the air, then flops onto his back etc etc. Well he ended up falling asleep with his feet in Daddy's face and his head on Daddy's arm. It was pretty funny. I was laughing at least! Good night everyone!
Katja, Karl and Dorian