Friday, May 30, 2008

Dorian and Milo

Dorian and Milo are the best of buds! They get to hang out together every Monday while Maria goes to work with me. They love to give hugs and kisses and they are even sharing toys now! Dorian will take a toy from Milo, but he's usually good at bringing a new one over to him too.

Though Milo isn't crawling yet, he can roll himself to wherever he needs to go, and can sort of keep up with Dorian. He gets a kick out of Dorian crawling all around him though and Dorian really tries to do what he can to get Milo to laugh. It's very cute.

They also like to hang out and watch Baby Einstein videos with Grandpa. I hope that they grow up to be more like brothers, they do get such a kick out of each other, that would be nice to have someone so close.

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