Karl got Dorian a little mini flashing light saber...very cool. Until he dropped it and it broke into a million little pieces. Karl, being the handy man that he is, managed to get it all back together somehow, AND he made the flashy thing work again. I was very impressed, and Dorian was happy.
That is a picture of our friend Michala. She is pregnant and is going to have a little girl in October! I think I already mentioned her somewhere though... ah well, I like to repeart myself.
We were worried that Dorian wouldn't like the fireworks, he's been a little worried about loud noises lately. Well, he was a champ and acted like he's seen fireworks his whole life! He kept pointing and saying "light light"! It was very funny. Then about halway through he was done and wanted to nurse and take a nap. Well, how long can the same fireworks hold a 13 month old's attention, really? He did so awesome, we were very proud. :)

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