Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A day in the life of...

Today was a very busy day for us. In the morning when Dorian woke up (at 6:30 am) we played a bit. Then we decided that early grocery shopping is the best, so we went and did that. Dorian ended up with this awesome little hat! It's reversible and 100% organic cotton which is a nice bonus. So we played with the hat for a while.
Then he discovered that the bins to his shelf are great for sitting in. He kept trying to climb in and the whole thing would fall over, but once mom helped, it was great to play in there. I threw in a couple of toys with him and he sat in it for about 15 minutes before he decided he wanted out.

After that we took a little nap. Then Daddy came home for lunch and we played some more. We drove him back to work and then went down to Virginia Lake to look at the ducks. It was actually nap time and I thought maybe pushing him around in the stroller would put him to sleep, but nope, the duckies were soooo exciting that he stayed wide awake for 4 trips around the lake.

He fell asleep once we were driving again, so mom decided to take a trip around McCarran Blvd. He was still asleep, so I tried to remember how the heck to get to a drink place that I like, but I couldn't remember that it was in Spanish Springs. I headed out to Sun Valley instead. Nice drive! Baby got in a good nap. I finally did figure out where I was and got my drink. Baby had to have a drink too, and then he was all revved up and ready to drive! By then it was time to go back home and pick up Daddy. A very full and fun filled day~

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