Monday, January 14, 2008

Independence Trail

We went walking at the Independence Trail along the Yuba River. We being me, Dorian, Maria, Milo and Micah. It was the first gorgeously sunny day in quite a while, and after that much rain, no power and snow, we were all ready to get out. It was still a bit chilly, but we bundled up. Dorian had a bit of a hat issue, it kept slipping down, but he was happy bouncing along, and talking the whole time.
The Yuba river is where I grew up swimming. This is a shot from above, one of the little "landings" along the trail. We walked for a good hour and a half, and the trail continued long after we turned around. It's funny, I've lived in this area for 20 years and I never knew you could walk downriver on this trail also. I've only ever gone in the other directions. So this was a nice treat for me too. Everything smelled all fresh and clean becaue of the rain, and all the green things were going nuts, moss and ferns everywhere!

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