The first one is Dorian after his bath. He was actually leaving the towel on his head, something he never does. Usually he yanks it off right away. So of course I had to grab my phone and take a picture.
This second one is when he was napping with Dada. I just love how he looks when he is sleeping! I could stare at him all day. That's probably why I never get anything done around the house!

This swing picture is so nice because of the colors. For some reason it reminds me of an old phont with some age decoloration. Maybe I'm crazy, that's okay it is a very cute picture. He didn't like the swing the first time we were in the park, this time he actually did!

Delaney is Dorian's new girlfriend (going for the older women!). He gloms onto her and follows her around and is perfectly happy to have her carry him everywhere. Very funny. He likes other kids in general, but Delaney is special.