Well, between running after Dorian, driving to work and buying 2 offices, not to mention planning a wedding, it's been a bit nuts around here! So here is another big batch of pictures.
The first is from a couple of days ago. Dorian and I were hanging out in the morning. It was a really nice warm day, and who doesn't like to run around with nothing on on nice warm days! I'm afraid he's going to figure out how to take his diaper off by himself any day here. Ooops.
He also likes to climb off the bed in the mornings and go in his room to play. He knows how to get the lids off his little buckets and he goes to town taking eveything out and makeing his room look like a small tornado hit. Unfortunately putting everything back IN the buckets hasn't really happened yet, but he's very good at OUT. :)

Dorian has been having some stomach upset trouble and we've been trying to figure out what is going on . That meant baby had to go an the BRATY diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and yogurt). Well, his is even more modified. Because he is so sensitive, I thought okay, with toast we should do gluten free, so he has rice toast (surprisingly heavy!), and since he can't have dairy, he gets soy yogurt. Ah well. Poor Karl shudders at half the food Dorian has to eat. Hopefully his tummy is better soon and we can get more adventuresome with the food again.

Since he has figured out how to do in and out, he always wants to get things out of bags on his own. So here he is pulling crackers out of a bag (rice crackers!). He gets very upset if we try to help him take things out. "I can do it myself!"
The newest thing along with in and out, is learning UNDER. He will take something and put it under his playpen. In this case, the ball. Then he leans down like this and tries to pull it out again. If he pushed it too far and can't reach it, he gets very mad. Then you have to get it and give it to him. He takes it and puts it right back under again. Very funny. Such a smarty pants.