Well, here are some of the latest pictures. Shopping with him is always interesting, and of course we had to stop and stare at ourselves in the mirror. Dorian is still fascinated by them, especially if we touch his face or something and he can see it in the mirror. Very funny.
He also likes to be very helpful and hold everything that we want to put in the shopping cart first. So of course, the banana were on that list. Well, he was gnawing on the end and Karl noticed the two perfect little tooth marks made by his two bottom teeth. Actually his only two teeth. Pretty funny. I think he likes the texture on his ouchy gums.

The other picture is of him driving Karl's car. We were getting something out of the car and Dorian really wanted to drive. He gets a kick out of it. He even looks for where to put the key in and turns the windshield wipers on and off.
In other news... Here are some exciting things we don't have pictures of yet...
Two days ago he took his first little step on his own. He was going from the coffee table to me and he had to take a step and a half to make it. Well, usually he gets down and crawls, but this time he stepped. Of course I freaked out, told him he is the smartest and most advanced child ever and promptly called Karl at work. Yep, I'm one of those moms. :)
The other great thing is the harmonica. Karl was playing on the harmonica a couple of days ago and Dorian thought it was the funniest thing and was laughing. But then when we would put it up to his mouth he would just slobber all over it. Of course. Well tonight he blew into it and made music! It was awesome. Of course, there I go again calling Karl to come into the room and showing him what our genius son can do and what does Karl say "oh yeah, we've been working on that, he already did it". Ah well. I missed that one. He's a genius anyway so there! Next week we go take one year pictures so everyone can look forward to those!!! :) NITE