Friday, April 25, 2008

such a big boy now

My posts are getting further and further apart! It's been a bit hectic around here. Karl and I are both scratching our heads trying to think of how Dorian is almost a year old. Three more weeks and he's a one year old. Crazy!

Well, here are some of the latest pictures. Shopping with him is always interesting, and of course we had to stop and stare at ourselves in the mirror. Dorian is still fascinated by them, especially if we touch his face or something and he can see it in the mirror. Very funny.

He also likes to be very helpful and hold everything that we want to put in the shopping cart first. So of course, the banana were on that list. Well, he was gnawing on the end and Karl noticed the two perfect little tooth marks made by his two bottom teeth. Actually his only two teeth. Pretty funny. I think he likes the texture on his ouchy gums.

The other picture is of him driving Karl's car. We were getting something out of the car and Dorian really wanted to drive. He gets a kick out of it. He even looks for where to put the key in and turns the windshield wipers on and off.

In other news... Here are some exciting things we don't have pictures of yet...

Two days ago he took his first little step on his own. He was going from the coffee table to me and he had to take a step and a half to make it. Well, usually he gets down and crawls, but this time he stepped. Of course I freaked out, told him he is the smartest and most advanced child ever and promptly called Karl at work. Yep, I'm one of those moms. :)

The other great thing is the harmonica. Karl was playing on the harmonica a couple of days ago and Dorian thought it was the funniest thing and was laughing. But then when we would put it up to his mouth he would just slobber all over it. Of course. Well tonight he blew into it and made music! It was awesome. Of course, there I go again calling Karl to come into the room and showing him what our genius son can do and what does Karl say "oh yeah, we've been working on that, he already did it". Ah well. I missed that one. He's a genius anyway so there! Next week we go take one year pictures so everyone can look forward to those!!! :) NITE

Monday, April 21, 2008

New things in life

Dorian woke up yesterday in the absolute best mood. He just looked at me and grinned, said "Duh!" and crawled to the window to open the curtain. He likes to open it and look out. Very cute! :) Then he had a good day (mostly) of playing. He is having some trouble sleeping on any sort of a schedule. Not that this was ever his forte, but lately it's been worse. Ah well. Maybe once all the teeth are in....
Speaking of teetch. It's very hard to see them in this picture, but he does have 2 teeth on the bottom. The right one is a little bigger than the left, but both of them are making a valiant effort to come out. He was completely asleep in this pictures, which is the only way to look at his teeth. He guards them and doesn't want anyone to look at them.

A new skill for the week is pushing his little car. It makes loud popping noises when you push it. He has figured out how to push it and crawl at the same time. Back and forth, back and forth. Lots of LOUD entertainment. Remind me to kill whomever gave us that loud toy. :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

collection of cuties

Well, since I haven't done a post in a while I thought I would just put up some of the latest cute pictures. This first one is my mom and Milo and Dorian. Mom watches the two boys on Mondays while Maria and I got to work. That way Dorian gets social time too. He is learning how to share very well. He went over to Milo and stuffed bread in his mouth. Very nice... ;)

This next picture is Dorian and I watching Dorian's new Baby Einsteins DVD. This one is about learning how to count from 1 to 5. He likes the puppets that they use in the series.

The next one is of Dorian trying to figure out how to get into a box of crackers. Unfortunately he figures out how to open things rather quickly, so giving him a box to play with in the hopes that he won't yank out everything inside and get it all over the place isn't really a possibility any more. Ah well. Too smart for me...

He was playing with the phone. He likes to listen to people talking on the phone and always tries to yank it out of our hands when we're on it. A bit frustrating, but of course very cute.

Monday, April 7, 2008

sleeping with the fishes...hmmmm

Last night Dorian fell asleep at 6:30! I think his teeth are really bothering him. He gets very toasty in the cheeks and head. Here he is sleeping on Karl's lap while Karl plays a video game. It works out for both of them; Dorian is close by and doesn't wake up all alone, and Karl gets to see if he can get his leggo Luke Skywalker to detroy the leggo Darth Vader. Nice!

Karl also went fishing with our friend Kong (who always calls Dorian, "Bubba"). At leas they didn't get stuck in the snow this time, and they even caught something!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Yesterday Dorian was doing the cutest thing. He was eating butternut squash and every time I put some in his mouth and said okay chew, he would say "mmmmmm...." like it tasted really good. It was very funny. So far his favorite foods are hummus, sweat pea chips, bread (toasted please), pizza crust, french fries, sweet potatos, veggie chips, teething cookies, applesauce (sometimes) and now, butternut squash. We need to fatten the little guy up some, he is so LEAN!

The other picture is of his bath the other night. We had been at our friend Kong's house for a wii party (our arms are still sore!). Dorian got a kick out of watching us hit imaginary tennis balls for a while, but then he got bored. He was sooooo tired and cranky, but as soon as he was in his bath he got super happy. Of course he was drooping in the bathwater 10 minutes later, so off to bed we went. He really does enjoy the water though. Especially with his turtle and octopus squirter toys!

First time at the Park!

Dorian got to go to the park for the first time yesterday! It was a bit chilly, but we had some fun anyway. He wasn't sure about going in a swing on his own at all, so Daddy held him. Then it was okay.

The slide was fun also, with mom or even on his own. The woodchips were fun to play with and even tasted good, as he quickly found out when he tried them (of course).

This little toy was a lion and he kept pointing to it and saying "Ditty" which is his word for kitty. It was pretty funny. Such a smarty-pants!
After we were done playing on all the toys we went and looked at the ducks a little bit, which is one of his favorite things. After that it was time to go home and get warm!